Office building headquarters of major Corporates, consisting of a single building with 7 floors above ground.
The offices feature suspended ceilings and floating floors. The building has two entrances, the main one is located on Via Romagnosi, while the secondary one is located on Via Giambattista Vico
The property is located in the city center, near Piazza del Popolo and in close proximity to Metro A, Piazzale Flaminio stop.
The area is home to major Multinationals and Ministries, as well as the institutional headquarters of government bodies
Property Details:
Piano | Uffici |
P2 | 550 |
Office building headquarters of major Corporates, consisting of a single building with 7 floors above ground.
The offices feature suspended ceilings and floating floors. The building has two entrances, the main one is located on Via Romagnosi, while the secondary one is located on Via Giambattista Vico
The property is located in the city center, near Piazza del Popolo and in close proximity to Metro A, Piazzale Flaminio stop.
The area is home to major Multinationals and Ministries, as well as the institutional headquarters of government bodies
Property Details:
Piano | Uffici |
P2 | 550 |
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Emanuele Morbidelli
Office Agency Advisor